Updated What Is Omegle, Is Omegle Safe?

Updated What Is Omegle, Is Omegle Safe?

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Omegle Explored: Understanding the Platform, Its Community Dynamics & Safety Protocols

What Is Omegle, Is Omegle Safe?

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Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are so many uses and advantages of the internet, but the internet is widely and mostly used as a medium of communication throughout the world. It allows its users to communicate with one another, make new friends, share their ideas, learn about other cultures, and more. One of the best things the internet has done is to make this world a global village by removing all the barriers and boundaries among nations. Whether you live in a county located in one part of the planet, you can easily communicate and see people living in another part of the world. Several platforms help you in communicating with others and making new friends. But one of the famous and widely used platforms is Omegle. If you are having questions like what is Omegle? Is Omegle safe to use? Or if you have never heard about this platform, then this article will help you learn about each and everything related to Omegle. Before starting to use it, it is very important to know about it.

You might be interested in:

What is Omegle?

Omegle is a widely used web-based platform that allows you to communicate with other users via text messages, voice messages, and video calls. It connects you to strangers for discussion and chats. It was launched in 2009, as a chatting platform. But after some time it introduced a video conferencing feature to let people see each other instead of just chatting via messages. Today, it is more than just a chatting platform, millions of users use it throughout the world and enabling them to connect with strangers and making them friends. In 2012, it removed the restriction of filtered chatting and made the chat unmonitored. Letting people talk and exchange messages, images, and videos of their own choice without being restricted. But it also imposed the restriction of 13 years of age to use this platform. To avoid inappropriate messages and videos, they started using an image recognition algorithm. But it didn’t prevent sending and receiving adult content via video or text messages. The reason behind its popularity among teenagers is its ability to connect you with strangers without letting them see your personal information. The user can filter the strangers based on their age, gender, and location to get connected with their preferred individuals. In 2014, the developers brought a new advancement and feature into Omegle, allowing users with .edu emails provided by their institutions to pair with their peers anonymously without letting them know your real name and other personal information. In 2015, they introduce a new security update that restricted the use of bots. But it was later questioned by so many users because of still getting connected with bots. Omegle is also available for Android and iOS devices. The app for your mobile can be downloaded from their official website. The app is not available in Google Play and App Store.


Is Omegle Safe?


Being a communication platform that used your personal information and connects with people whom you don’t know, it seems to be a safe choice for making friends. There are so many factors that make everyone wonder that is Omegle safe? No doubt there are so many positive aspects of this platform such as making new friends, connecting with people worldwide, and more. But some factors make this platform an insecure platform so many individuals. Let’s share with you some of the factors that make Omegle an insecure platform to be used.

Exposure to Profanity & Pornographic Content

The algorithm of Omegle is an effective algorithm in recognizing sexual content, nudity, and profanity. It is unable to detect such elements in chats and video calls. This platform doesn’t have any restricted gateway that makes it easy for minors to enter the platform pretending to be adults. It allows them to access the content that is designed and restricted for adults only. This makes this platform a very insecure platform for them.

Privacy of the Website

If you are very sensitive in the matter of privacy and protection of personal information, this site is not a worthy site for your use. This website states itself to be unregistered, which makes it impossible to store any of their data in its database. But it is not the case. Omegle stores everything your feed in your profile, and the data you share with others in form of text, images, and videos is stored for four months on their server. Even if you are not registering yourself, your identity will be permanently saved into their server. And your name, address, phone number, and email will also be saved on their server.



Since this website saves your data and information for around 4 months, which makes it easy for hackers to get into their servers and extract all that data. There have been some cases of data being stolen by hackers. It is not very hard for hackers to get into the server of this platform. They can easily penetrate into the server, get everything they want from their server, and use it for different purposes. All data can be extracted, such as your personal information, chat, video calls, material you shared with others, and much more.




It is the most common and the most dangerous thing that has been done in the past with so many girls. People used to track the IP addresses of girls, and blackmailing them to do whatever they want. Otherwise, they will share their personal images and private chat with their family and friends. As discusses before, so many hackers can get into your PC and access all your data, and make you do things that you will never want to do.

All the above information contains everything you should know before using Omegle for communicating and making new friends. Its worldwide popularity made this platform full of scammers and hackers. Keep in mind to take care of your every private information and data while using this platform to avoid any kind of problems or regret. Protecting yourself and your privacy is possible if you use this platform wisely and without getting involved in any activity that might cause you to regret it later.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are so many uses and advantages of the internet, but the internet is widely and mostly used as a medium of communication throughout the world. It allows its users to communicate with one another, make new friends, share their ideas, learn about other cultures, and more. One of the best things the internet has done is to make this world a global village by removing all the barriers and boundaries among nations. Whether you live in a county located in one part of the planet, you can easily communicate and see people living in another part of the world. Several platforms help you in communicating with others and making new friends. But one of the famous and widely used platforms is Omegle. If you are having questions like what is Omegle? Is Omegle safe to use? Or if you have never heard about this platform, then this article will help you learn about each and everything related to Omegle. Before starting to use it, it is very important to know about it.

You might be interested in:

What is Omegle?

Omegle is a widely used web-based platform that allows you to communicate with other users via text messages, voice messages, and video calls. It connects you to strangers for discussion and chats. It was launched in 2009, as a chatting platform. But after some time it introduced a video conferencing feature to let people see each other instead of just chatting via messages. Today, it is more than just a chatting platform, millions of users use it throughout the world and enabling them to connect with strangers and making them friends. In 2012, it removed the restriction of filtered chatting and made the chat unmonitored. Letting people talk and exchange messages, images, and videos of their own choice without being restricted. But it also imposed the restriction of 13 years of age to use this platform. To avoid inappropriate messages and videos, they started using an image recognition algorithm. But it didn’t prevent sending and receiving adult content via video or text messages. The reason behind its popularity among teenagers is its ability to connect you with strangers without letting them see your personal information. The user can filter the strangers based on their age, gender, and location to get connected with their preferred individuals. In 2014, the developers brought a new advancement and feature into Omegle, allowing users with .edu emails provided by their institutions to pair with their peers anonymously without letting them know your real name and other personal information. In 2015, they introduce a new security update that restricted the use of bots. But it was later questioned by so many users because of still getting connected with bots. Omegle is also available for Android and iOS devices. The app for your mobile can be downloaded from their official website. The app is not available in Google Play and App Store.


Is Omegle Safe?


Being a communication platform that used your personal information and connects with people whom you don’t know, it seems to be a safe choice for making friends. There are so many factors that make everyone wonder that is Omegle safe? No doubt there are so many positive aspects of this platform such as making new friends, connecting with people worldwide, and more. But some factors make this platform an insecure platform so many individuals. Let’s share with you some of the factors that make Omegle an insecure platform to be used.

Exposure to Profanity & Pornographic Content

The algorithm of Omegle is an effective algorithm in recognizing sexual content, nudity, and profanity. It is unable to detect such elements in chats and video calls. This platform doesn’t have any restricted gateway that makes it easy for minors to enter the platform pretending to be adults. It allows them to access the content that is designed and restricted for adults only. This makes this platform a very insecure platform for them.

Privacy of the Website

If you are very sensitive in the matter of privacy and protection of personal information, this site is not a worthy site for your use. This website states itself to be unregistered, which makes it impossible to store any of their data in its database. But it is not the case. Omegle stores everything your feed in your profile, and the data you share with others in form of text, images, and videos is stored for four months on their server. Even if you are not registering yourself, your identity will be permanently saved into their server. And your name, address, phone number, and email will also be saved on their server.



Since this website saves your data and information for around 4 months, which makes it easy for hackers to get into their servers and extract all that data. There have been some cases of data being stolen by hackers. It is not very hard for hackers to get into the server of this platform. They can easily penetrate into the server, get everything they want from their server, and use it for different purposes. All data can be extracted, such as your personal information, chat, video calls, material you shared with others, and much more.




It is the most common and the most dangerous thing that has been done in the past with so many girls. People used to track the IP addresses of girls, and blackmailing them to do whatever they want. Otherwise, they will share their personal images and private chat with their family and friends. As discusses before, so many hackers can get into your PC and access all your data, and make you do things that you will never want to do.

All the above information contains everything you should know before using Omegle for communicating and making new friends. Its worldwide popularity made this platform full of scammers and hackers. Keep in mind to take care of your every private information and data while using this platform to avoid any kind of problems or regret. Protecting yourself and your privacy is possible if you use this platform wisely and without getting involved in any activity that might cause you to regret it later.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are so many uses and advantages of the internet, but the internet is widely and mostly used as a medium of communication throughout the world. It allows its users to communicate with one another, make new friends, share their ideas, learn about other cultures, and more. One of the best things the internet has done is to make this world a global village by removing all the barriers and boundaries among nations. Whether you live in a county located in one part of the planet, you can easily communicate and see people living in another part of the world. Several platforms help you in communicating with others and making new friends. But one of the famous and widely used platforms is Omegle. If you are having questions like what is Omegle? Is Omegle safe to use? Or if you have never heard about this platform, then this article will help you learn about each and everything related to Omegle. Before starting to use it, it is very important to know about it.

You might be interested in:

What is Omegle?

Omegle is a widely used web-based platform that allows you to communicate with other users via text messages, voice messages, and video calls. It connects you to strangers for discussion and chats. It was launched in 2009, as a chatting platform. But after some time it introduced a video conferencing feature to let people see each other instead of just chatting via messages. Today, it is more than just a chatting platform, millions of users use it throughout the world and enabling them to connect with strangers and making them friends. In 2012, it removed the restriction of filtered chatting and made the chat unmonitored. Letting people talk and exchange messages, images, and videos of their own choice without being restricted. But it also imposed the restriction of 13 years of age to use this platform. To avoid inappropriate messages and videos, they started using an image recognition algorithm. But it didn’t prevent sending and receiving adult content via video or text messages. The reason behind its popularity among teenagers is its ability to connect you with strangers without letting them see your personal information. The user can filter the strangers based on their age, gender, and location to get connected with their preferred individuals. In 2014, the developers brought a new advancement and feature into Omegle, allowing users with .edu emails provided by their institutions to pair with their peers anonymously without letting them know your real name and other personal information. In 2015, they introduce a new security update that restricted the use of bots. But it was later questioned by so many users because of still getting connected with bots. Omegle is also available for Android and iOS devices. The app for your mobile can be downloaded from their official website. The app is not available in Google Play and App Store.


Is Omegle Safe?


Being a communication platform that used your personal information and connects with people whom you don’t know, it seems to be a safe choice for making friends. There are so many factors that make everyone wonder that is Omegle safe? No doubt there are so many positive aspects of this platform such as making new friends, connecting with people worldwide, and more. But some factors make this platform an insecure platform so many individuals. Let’s share with you some of the factors that make Omegle an insecure platform to be used.

Exposure to Profanity & Pornographic Content

The algorithm of Omegle is an effective algorithm in recognizing sexual content, nudity, and profanity. It is unable to detect such elements in chats and video calls. This platform doesn’t have any restricted gateway that makes it easy for minors to enter the platform pretending to be adults. It allows them to access the content that is designed and restricted for adults only. This makes this platform a very insecure platform for them.

Privacy of the Website

If you are very sensitive in the matter of privacy and protection of personal information, this site is not a worthy site for your use. This website states itself to be unregistered, which makes it impossible to store any of their data in its database. But it is not the case. Omegle stores everything your feed in your profile, and the data you share with others in form of text, images, and videos is stored for four months on their server. Even if you are not registering yourself, your identity will be permanently saved into their server. And your name, address, phone number, and email will also be saved on their server.



Since this website saves your data and information for around 4 months, which makes it easy for hackers to get into their servers and extract all that data. There have been some cases of data being stolen by hackers. It is not very hard for hackers to get into the server of this platform. They can easily penetrate into the server, get everything they want from their server, and use it for different purposes. All data can be extracted, such as your personal information, chat, video calls, material you shared with others, and much more.




It is the most common and the most dangerous thing that has been done in the past with so many girls. People used to track the IP addresses of girls, and blackmailing them to do whatever they want. Otherwise, they will share their personal images and private chat with their family and friends. As discusses before, so many hackers can get into your PC and access all your data, and make you do things that you will never want to do.

All the above information contains everything you should know before using Omegle for communicating and making new friends. Its worldwide popularity made this platform full of scammers and hackers. Keep in mind to take care of your every private information and data while using this platform to avoid any kind of problems or regret. Protecting yourself and your privacy is possible if you use this platform wisely and without getting involved in any activity that might cause you to regret it later.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

There are so many uses and advantages of the internet, but the internet is widely and mostly used as a medium of communication throughout the world. It allows its users to communicate with one another, make new friends, share their ideas, learn about other cultures, and more. One of the best things the internet has done is to make this world a global village by removing all the barriers and boundaries among nations. Whether you live in a county located in one part of the planet, you can easily communicate and see people living in another part of the world. Several platforms help you in communicating with others and making new friends. But one of the famous and widely used platforms is Omegle. If you are having questions like what is Omegle? Is Omegle safe to use? Or if you have never heard about this platform, then this article will help you learn about each and everything related to Omegle. Before starting to use it, it is very important to know about it.

You might be interested in:

What is Omegle?

Omegle is a widely used web-based platform that allows you to communicate with other users via text messages, voice messages, and video calls. It connects you to strangers for discussion and chats. It was launched in 2009, as a chatting platform. But after some time it introduced a video conferencing feature to let people see each other instead of just chatting via messages. Today, it is more than just a chatting platform, millions of users use it throughout the world and enabling them to connect with strangers and making them friends. In 2012, it removed the restriction of filtered chatting and made the chat unmonitored. Letting people talk and exchange messages, images, and videos of their own choice without being restricted. But it also imposed the restriction of 13 years of age to use this platform. To avoid inappropriate messages and videos, they started using an image recognition algorithm. But it didn’t prevent sending and receiving adult content via video or text messages. The reason behind its popularity among teenagers is its ability to connect you with strangers without letting them see your personal information. The user can filter the strangers based on their age, gender, and location to get connected with their preferred individuals. In 2014, the developers brought a new advancement and feature into Omegle, allowing users with .edu emails provided by their institutions to pair with their peers anonymously without letting them know your real name and other personal information. In 2015, they introduce a new security update that restricted the use of bots. But it was later questioned by so many users because of still getting connected with bots. Omegle is also available for Android and iOS devices. The app for your mobile can be downloaded from their official website. The app is not available in Google Play and App Store.


Is Omegle Safe?


Being a communication platform that used your personal information and connects with people whom you don’t know, it seems to be a safe choice for making friends. There are so many factors that make everyone wonder that is Omegle safe? No doubt there are so many positive aspects of this platform such as making new friends, connecting with people worldwide, and more. But some factors make this platform an insecure platform so many individuals. Let’s share with you some of the factors that make Omegle an insecure platform to be used.

Exposure to Profanity & Pornographic Content

The algorithm of Omegle is an effective algorithm in recognizing sexual content, nudity, and profanity. It is unable to detect such elements in chats and video calls. This platform doesn’t have any restricted gateway that makes it easy for minors to enter the platform pretending to be adults. It allows them to access the content that is designed and restricted for adults only. This makes this platform a very insecure platform for them.

Privacy of the Website

If you are very sensitive in the matter of privacy and protection of personal information, this site is not a worthy site for your use. This website states itself to be unregistered, which makes it impossible to store any of their data in its database. But it is not the case. Omegle stores everything your feed in your profile, and the data you share with others in form of text, images, and videos is stored for four months on their server. Even if you are not registering yourself, your identity will be permanently saved into their server. And your name, address, phone number, and email will also be saved on their server.



Since this website saves your data and information for around 4 months, which makes it easy for hackers to get into their servers and extract all that data. There have been some cases of data being stolen by hackers. It is not very hard for hackers to get into the server of this platform. They can easily penetrate into the server, get everything they want from their server, and use it for different purposes. All data can be extracted, such as your personal information, chat, video calls, material you shared with others, and much more.




It is the most common and the most dangerous thing that has been done in the past with so many girls. People used to track the IP addresses of girls, and blackmailing them to do whatever they want. Otherwise, they will share their personal images and private chat with their family and friends. As discusses before, so many hackers can get into your PC and access all your data, and make you do things that you will never want to do.

All the above information contains everything you should know before using Omegle for communicating and making new friends. Its worldwide popularity made this platform full of scammers and hackers. Keep in mind to take care of your every private information and data while using this platform to avoid any kind of problems or regret. Protecting yourself and your privacy is possible if you use this platform wisely and without getting involved in any activity that might cause you to regret it later.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

The Essential Directory of Fee-Free, High-Quality Audio Player Applications for Android and iOS Devices

10+ Best Podcast Player Apps for iPhone and Android

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Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

It has been a little over fifteen years since Ben Hammersley coined the term podcast. During this time, radio and TV stations, as well as people from all walks of life, have embraced this new medium of spreading information through either audio or video files.

Even though podcasts often have the form of a talk show, the topics podcasters cover in their shows range from presenting the latest music releases to discussing political topics. Listening to a podcast from a Smartphone without a player is not an option, which is why we made a selection of some of the best podcast player apps for iPhone and Android devices.

Best Free Podcast Player Apps for iOS and Android Devices

Nearly all podcast player apps have similar features. You can discover new shows, limit how many episodes can be downloaded to your device or reduce silences to the very minimum.

The list of features a podcast player provides should help you determine if that app is the right choice for you. Here are some of the best free podcast player apps for iOS and Android devices you can find on the market in 2019.

1. Breaker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Breaker

Discovering new podcasts, connecting with friends who use Breaker or sharing the latest episode of the podcast you’re following on Facebook or Twitter is easy with this podcast player. Moreover, the app lets you see which podcasts your friends like the most so you can send them messages and start conversations about an episode you like.

Breaker enables you to create your own playlists and customize them in any way you want. The Sleep Timer feature can be useful if you’re going to set up the episode playing time before your iPhone goes to the Sleep mode.

2. Castbox

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Castbox

Castbox lets you browse through million podcast episodes and choose from a variety of podcast genres. So, if you would like to follow the latest episodes of music and news related podcasts or talk shows, Castbox may be one of the best options on the market.

This cross-platform app is equipped with the tools that enable you to adjust the audio playback speed, trim silence or customize the sleep timer. You can subscribe to any podcast you discover with Castbox with a single tap, but you must make in-app purchases if you want to access to all features.

3. Himalaya

Price: Free

Compatibility:Android , iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Himalaya

This app for Android and iOS devices lets you listen to radio shows, audiobooks, podcasts and allows you to stream shows from a single app. You can customize your homepage or create as many playlists as you want. Each podcast you discover with Himalaya can be shared with your accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms.

The app grants you access to more than 500, 000 shows that are organized into 30 categories so you can easily choose a topic and search for an episode you’d like to listen to. Himalaya features a sleep timer, which means that you can listen to your favorite podcast before you fall asleep.

4. Downcast

Price: $2,99, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - downcast

This podcast player provides all the features you are going to need for a superb podcasting experience. Subscribing to a new podcast with this app is a straightforward process which can be completed in an instant. You can also choose if you want to download episodes to your device automatically or browse through old episodes of podcasts you subscribed to.

Downcast also lets you adjust the playback speed, and it offers chapter support for enhanced podcasts. Organizing and customizing podcasts with Downcast requires a minimum amount of effort, which makes this app an excellent choice for anyone who listens or watches a large number of podcasts daily.

5. Stitcher

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Stitcher

Politics, sports, or comedy are just a few topics podcasts available on Stitcher cover. You can use the app’s on-demand feature if you want to follow a particular show. Select your favorite genres and tap on the play button to listen to an episode of your choosing.

The app is compatible with more than fifty car models, which enables you to enjoy podcasts while driving. However, the free version of the app offers limited capabilities, and you must upgrade to the premium version if you want to have the full scope of the app’s options.

6. Pocket Casts

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Pocket Casts

The app’s functional design makes it easy to find and manage podcasts by enabling you to create playback queues effortlessly. Trimming silence, skipping intros or streaming episodes without downloading them are just a few among countless options the Pocket Casts app offers.

Moreover, the Car Play feature enables you to play audio and video podcasts wherever you go. You can also download podcasts if you want to listen to them while you are offline.

Besides, you can play all episodes on your TV or your sound system using the Airplay and Chromecast integrations. The only downside is that you have to purchase the annual or monthly plan if you want to use all of the Pocket Casts’ podcasting options.

7. Apple Podcasts

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

This is one of the most popular destinations for all iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch owners who listen to podcasts frequently. Apple Podcasts lets you browse through more than 750.000 shows and 20 million episodes that are organized into categories. You can subscribe to any show you find on Apple Podcasts for free, download episodes you like to your Apple devices and listen to them wherever you go.

The platform’s editor recommends the shows based on your browsing history and helps you discover content that you are going to enjoy watching and listening to. Even so, Apple Podcasts lack the tools that enable its users to control the playback speed, skip intros or set timers before they go to sleep.

8. Spotify

Price: Free

Compatibility: web-based , iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Spotify

People from all over the world have been using Spotify to enjoy music from virtually any genre ever created. This Swedish-American company has been investing a lot into its podcasting services in the last couple of years.

Today Spotify offers access to podcasters to one of the most massive online audiences. Finding new shows and following the latest episodes your favorite podcasters share on this platform is as easy as discovering a new band. There are thousands of podcasts to browse through on Spotify, and some of them can only be played through this podcast player, either online or on iPhone or Android devices.

9. Overcast

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Overcast

Overcast was launched just five years ago, but today it is recognized as one of the best podcast player apps for iPhones, iWatches, and iPads. If you are looking for an app that will shorten the silences in podcasts, normalize the volume of the voices or enable you to adjust the playback speed of the audio files, then Overcast is probably one of your best options.

The app also provides CarPlay support and allows you to listen to your favorite podcasts even while you are on the road. However, Overcast contains ads, and you must purchase the Premium version of the app if you want to remove them.

10. Castro

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Castro Podcast Player

Managing large numbers of episodes with Castro won’t take much more than a few moments of your time. Subscribe to a podcast you like, and all of the latest episodes will land in the New tab. You can then decide if you want to add them to the queue and listen to them while you are driving or on your iPhone.

The free version of the app doesn’t allow you to skip intros, enhance voices or reduce silence, and you must purchase Castro Plus to access these options. Before you decide to install Castro or Castro Plus on your device, you must make sure that the app is compatible with the version of iOS you have.

11. Podbean

Price: Free but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Podbean Podcast Player

With the selection of over 50 million episodes, Podbean is easily one of the most versatile podcast player apps on this list. You can search for podcasts based on the topic you are interested in, or browse through different categories, and use the name of the podcast, or the author’s name to find the episode you are looking for.

Podbean is equipped with an audio recorder that features a rich selection of audio effects and a versatile set of audio editing tools. Moreover, the app provides support for live audio streaming so you can create or listen to live broadcast directly from your Smartphone.

12. Laughable

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Laughable Podcast Player

Keeping in touch with the latest trends in the comedy world is going to become easy if you install Laughable on your device. The app hosts the world’s largest database of comedy artist profiles and enables you to discover and follow comedians effortlessly. Each time they release a new episode of their podcast or make a guest appearance, you’ll receive a notification, which enables you to follow their latest work.

Besides an impressive collection of comedy podcasts, Laughable also lets you browse through podcasts featuring celebrities like Jordan Peterson, Barak Obama or Oprah. The app is free for just ten days, afterward, you must upgrade to Laughable Insider if you want to have access to all the shows and episodes this podcast player has to offer.

How to Pick the Right Podcast Player App?

The majority of podcast players offer a similar set of options, which complicates the process of finding an app you can use to listen to podcasts on your Smartphones. The operating system your Smartphone supports or whether the app you’re considering offers podcast streaming options can influence your choice of a podcast player app.

Ultimately, the selection of shows and episodes an app offers, as well as its playback control options can help you determine which podcast player is the best option for you. In case you listen to podcasts on a daily basis, purchasing a monthly or annual subscription is a much better option than listening to podcasts with a free version of the app.

Below is a brief summary of the podcast player app listed above. Hope it can help to find out the best podcast app on your iPhone or Android phone.

Podcast Player User Rating Supported OS Price Best For
Breaker 4.7 iOS 11.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and sharing podcasts
Castbox 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 5.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Himalaya 4.7 iOS 9.1 or later, Android 4.1 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Downcast 4.2 iOS 11.4 or later $2,99, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Stitcher 3.6 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 4.2 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Pocket Cast 3.9 iOS 11.0 or later, Android 5.0 or up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Apple Podcast No information iOS 10.0 or later Free Discovering and listening to podcasts
Spotify 4.8 Web-based, iOS 11.0 or later, varies on device Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Overcast 4.7 iOS 13.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Castro 4.7 iOS 12.2 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Podbean 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Laughable 4.8 iOS 11.4 or later, Android 5.0 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering comedy podcasts


Listening to your favorite podcasts wherever you are, has never been easier, even if you don’t have access to the Internet. Podcast player apps like Spotify or Himalaya grant you access to millions of episodes, but each app we featured in this article can provide a superb experience. Which app are you using to listen to podcasts on your iOS and Android devices? Leave a comment and let us know.

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Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

It has been a little over fifteen years since Ben Hammersley coined the term podcast. During this time, radio and TV stations, as well as people from all walks of life, have embraced this new medium of spreading information through either audio or video files.

Even though podcasts often have the form of a talk show, the topics podcasters cover in their shows range from presenting the latest music releases to discussing political topics. Listening to a podcast from a Smartphone without a player is not an option, which is why we made a selection of some of the best podcast player apps for iPhone and Android devices.

Best Free Podcast Player Apps for iOS and Android Devices

Nearly all podcast player apps have similar features. You can discover new shows, limit how many episodes can be downloaded to your device or reduce silences to the very minimum.

The list of features a podcast player provides should help you determine if that app is the right choice for you. Here are some of the best free podcast player apps for iOS and Android devices you can find on the market in 2019.

1. Breaker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Breaker

Discovering new podcasts, connecting with friends who use Breaker or sharing the latest episode of the podcast you’re following on Facebook or Twitter is easy with this podcast player. Moreover, the app lets you see which podcasts your friends like the most so you can send them messages and start conversations about an episode you like.

Breaker enables you to create your own playlists and customize them in any way you want. The Sleep Timer feature can be useful if you’re going to set up the episode playing time before your iPhone goes to the Sleep mode.

2. Castbox

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Castbox

Castbox lets you browse through million podcast episodes and choose from a variety of podcast genres. So, if you would like to follow the latest episodes of music and news related podcasts or talk shows, Castbox may be one of the best options on the market.

This cross-platform app is equipped with the tools that enable you to adjust the audio playback speed, trim silence or customize the sleep timer. You can subscribe to any podcast you discover with Castbox with a single tap, but you must make in-app purchases if you want to access to all features.

3. Himalaya

Price: Free

Compatibility:Android , iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Himalaya

This app for Android and iOS devices lets you listen to radio shows, audiobooks, podcasts and allows you to stream shows from a single app. You can customize your homepage or create as many playlists as you want. Each podcast you discover with Himalaya can be shared with your accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms.

The app grants you access to more than 500, 000 shows that are organized into 30 categories so you can easily choose a topic and search for an episode you’d like to listen to. Himalaya features a sleep timer, which means that you can listen to your favorite podcast before you fall asleep.

4. Downcast

Price: $2,99, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - downcast

This podcast player provides all the features you are going to need for a superb podcasting experience. Subscribing to a new podcast with this app is a straightforward process which can be completed in an instant. You can also choose if you want to download episodes to your device automatically or browse through old episodes of podcasts you subscribed to.

Downcast also lets you adjust the playback speed, and it offers chapter support for enhanced podcasts. Organizing and customizing podcasts with Downcast requires a minimum amount of effort, which makes this app an excellent choice for anyone who listens or watches a large number of podcasts daily.

5. Stitcher

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Stitcher

Politics, sports, or comedy are just a few topics podcasts available on Stitcher cover. You can use the app’s on-demand feature if you want to follow a particular show. Select your favorite genres and tap on the play button to listen to an episode of your choosing.

The app is compatible with more than fifty car models, which enables you to enjoy podcasts while driving. However, the free version of the app offers limited capabilities, and you must upgrade to the premium version if you want to have the full scope of the app’s options.

6. Pocket Casts

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Pocket Casts

The app’s functional design makes it easy to find and manage podcasts by enabling you to create playback queues effortlessly. Trimming silence, skipping intros or streaming episodes without downloading them are just a few among countless options the Pocket Casts app offers.

Moreover, the Car Play feature enables you to play audio and video podcasts wherever you go. You can also download podcasts if you want to listen to them while you are offline.

Besides, you can play all episodes on your TV or your sound system using the Airplay and Chromecast integrations. The only downside is that you have to purchase the annual or monthly plan if you want to use all of the Pocket Casts’ podcasting options.

7. Apple Podcasts

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

This is one of the most popular destinations for all iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch owners who listen to podcasts frequently. Apple Podcasts lets you browse through more than 750.000 shows and 20 million episodes that are organized into categories. You can subscribe to any show you find on Apple Podcasts for free, download episodes you like to your Apple devices and listen to them wherever you go.

The platform’s editor recommends the shows based on your browsing history and helps you discover content that you are going to enjoy watching and listening to. Even so, Apple Podcasts lack the tools that enable its users to control the playback speed, skip intros or set timers before they go to sleep.

8. Spotify

Price: Free

Compatibility: web-based , iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Spotify

People from all over the world have been using Spotify to enjoy music from virtually any genre ever created. This Swedish-American company has been investing a lot into its podcasting services in the last couple of years.

Today Spotify offers access to podcasters to one of the most massive online audiences. Finding new shows and following the latest episodes your favorite podcasters share on this platform is as easy as discovering a new band. There are thousands of podcasts to browse through on Spotify, and some of them can only be played through this podcast player, either online or on iPhone or Android devices.

9. Overcast

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Overcast

Overcast was launched just five years ago, but today it is recognized as one of the best podcast player apps for iPhones, iWatches, and iPads. If you are looking for an app that will shorten the silences in podcasts, normalize the volume of the voices or enable you to adjust the playback speed of the audio files, then Overcast is probably one of your best options.

The app also provides CarPlay support and allows you to listen to your favorite podcasts even while you are on the road. However, Overcast contains ads, and you must purchase the Premium version of the app if you want to remove them.

10. Castro

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Castro Podcast Player

Managing large numbers of episodes with Castro won’t take much more than a few moments of your time. Subscribe to a podcast you like, and all of the latest episodes will land in the New tab. You can then decide if you want to add them to the queue and listen to them while you are driving or on your iPhone.

The free version of the app doesn’t allow you to skip intros, enhance voices or reduce silence, and you must purchase Castro Plus to access these options. Before you decide to install Castro or Castro Plus on your device, you must make sure that the app is compatible with the version of iOS you have.

11. Podbean

Price: Free but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Podbean Podcast Player

With the selection of over 50 million episodes, Podbean is easily one of the most versatile podcast player apps on this list. You can search for podcasts based on the topic you are interested in, or browse through different categories, and use the name of the podcast, or the author’s name to find the episode you are looking for.

Podbean is equipped with an audio recorder that features a rich selection of audio effects and a versatile set of audio editing tools. Moreover, the app provides support for live audio streaming so you can create or listen to live broadcast directly from your Smartphone.

12. Laughable

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Laughable Podcast Player

Keeping in touch with the latest trends in the comedy world is going to become easy if you install Laughable on your device. The app hosts the world’s largest database of comedy artist profiles and enables you to discover and follow comedians effortlessly. Each time they release a new episode of their podcast or make a guest appearance, you’ll receive a notification, which enables you to follow their latest work.

Besides an impressive collection of comedy podcasts, Laughable also lets you browse through podcasts featuring celebrities like Jordan Peterson, Barak Obama or Oprah. The app is free for just ten days, afterward, you must upgrade to Laughable Insider if you want to have access to all the shows and episodes this podcast player has to offer.

How to Pick the Right Podcast Player App?

The majority of podcast players offer a similar set of options, which complicates the process of finding an app you can use to listen to podcasts on your Smartphones. The operating system your Smartphone supports or whether the app you’re considering offers podcast streaming options can influence your choice of a podcast player app.

Ultimately, the selection of shows and episodes an app offers, as well as its playback control options can help you determine which podcast player is the best option for you. In case you listen to podcasts on a daily basis, purchasing a monthly or annual subscription is a much better option than listening to podcasts with a free version of the app.

Below is a brief summary of the podcast player app listed above. Hope it can help to find out the best podcast app on your iPhone or Android phone.

Podcast Player User Rating Supported OS Price Best For
Breaker 4.7 iOS 11.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and sharing podcasts
Castbox 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 5.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Himalaya 4.7 iOS 9.1 or later, Android 4.1 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Downcast 4.2 iOS 11.4 or later $2,99, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Stitcher 3.6 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 4.2 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Pocket Cast 3.9 iOS 11.0 or later, Android 5.0 or up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Apple Podcast No information iOS 10.0 or later Free Discovering and listening to podcasts
Spotify 4.8 Web-based, iOS 11.0 or later, varies on device Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Overcast 4.7 iOS 13.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Castro 4.7 iOS 12.2 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Podbean 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Laughable 4.8 iOS 11.4 or later, Android 5.0 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering comedy podcasts


Listening to your favorite podcasts wherever you are, has never been easier, even if you don’t have access to the Internet. Podcast player apps like Spotify or Himalaya grant you access to millions of episodes, but each app we featured in this article can provide a superb experience. Which app are you using to listen to podcasts on your iOS and Android devices? Leave a comment and let us know.

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Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

It has been a little over fifteen years since Ben Hammersley coined the term podcast. During this time, radio and TV stations, as well as people from all walks of life, have embraced this new medium of spreading information through either audio or video files.

Even though podcasts often have the form of a talk show, the topics podcasters cover in their shows range from presenting the latest music releases to discussing political topics. Listening to a podcast from a Smartphone without a player is not an option, which is why we made a selection of some of the best podcast player apps for iPhone and Android devices.

Best Free Podcast Player Apps for iOS and Android Devices

Nearly all podcast player apps have similar features. You can discover new shows, limit how many episodes can be downloaded to your device or reduce silences to the very minimum.

The list of features a podcast player provides should help you determine if that app is the right choice for you. Here are some of the best free podcast player apps for iOS and Android devices you can find on the market in 2019.

1. Breaker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Breaker

Discovering new podcasts, connecting with friends who use Breaker or sharing the latest episode of the podcast you’re following on Facebook or Twitter is easy with this podcast player. Moreover, the app lets you see which podcasts your friends like the most so you can send them messages and start conversations about an episode you like.

Breaker enables you to create your own playlists and customize them in any way you want. The Sleep Timer feature can be useful if you’re going to set up the episode playing time before your iPhone goes to the Sleep mode.

2. Castbox

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Castbox

Castbox lets you browse through million podcast episodes and choose from a variety of podcast genres. So, if you would like to follow the latest episodes of music and news related podcasts or talk shows, Castbox may be one of the best options on the market.

This cross-platform app is equipped with the tools that enable you to adjust the audio playback speed, trim silence or customize the sleep timer. You can subscribe to any podcast you discover with Castbox with a single tap, but you must make in-app purchases if you want to access to all features.

3. Himalaya

Price: Free

Compatibility:Android , iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Himalaya

This app for Android and iOS devices lets you listen to radio shows, audiobooks, podcasts and allows you to stream shows from a single app. You can customize your homepage or create as many playlists as you want. Each podcast you discover with Himalaya can be shared with your accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms.

The app grants you access to more than 500, 000 shows that are organized into 30 categories so you can easily choose a topic and search for an episode you’d like to listen to. Himalaya features a sleep timer, which means that you can listen to your favorite podcast before you fall asleep.

4. Downcast

Price: $2,99, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - downcast

This podcast player provides all the features you are going to need for a superb podcasting experience. Subscribing to a new podcast with this app is a straightforward process which can be completed in an instant. You can also choose if you want to download episodes to your device automatically or browse through old episodes of podcasts you subscribed to.

Downcast also lets you adjust the playback speed, and it offers chapter support for enhanced podcasts. Organizing and customizing podcasts with Downcast requires a minimum amount of effort, which makes this app an excellent choice for anyone who listens or watches a large number of podcasts daily.

5. Stitcher

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Stitcher

Politics, sports, or comedy are just a few topics podcasts available on Stitcher cover. You can use the app’s on-demand feature if you want to follow a particular show. Select your favorite genres and tap on the play button to listen to an episode of your choosing.

The app is compatible with more than fifty car models, which enables you to enjoy podcasts while driving. However, the free version of the app offers limited capabilities, and you must upgrade to the premium version if you want to have the full scope of the app’s options.

6. Pocket Casts

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Pocket Casts

The app’s functional design makes it easy to find and manage podcasts by enabling you to create playback queues effortlessly. Trimming silence, skipping intros or streaming episodes without downloading them are just a few among countless options the Pocket Casts app offers.

Moreover, the Car Play feature enables you to play audio and video podcasts wherever you go. You can also download podcasts if you want to listen to them while you are offline.

Besides, you can play all episodes on your TV or your sound system using the Airplay and Chromecast integrations. The only downside is that you have to purchase the annual or monthly plan if you want to use all of the Pocket Casts’ podcasting options.

7. Apple Podcasts

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

This is one of the most popular destinations for all iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch owners who listen to podcasts frequently. Apple Podcasts lets you browse through more than 750.000 shows and 20 million episodes that are organized into categories. You can subscribe to any show you find on Apple Podcasts for free, download episodes you like to your Apple devices and listen to them wherever you go.

The platform’s editor recommends the shows based on your browsing history and helps you discover content that you are going to enjoy watching and listening to. Even so, Apple Podcasts lack the tools that enable its users to control the playback speed, skip intros or set timers before they go to sleep.

8. Spotify

Price: Free

Compatibility: web-based , iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Spotify

People from all over the world have been using Spotify to enjoy music from virtually any genre ever created. This Swedish-American company has been investing a lot into its podcasting services in the last couple of years.

Today Spotify offers access to podcasters to one of the most massive online audiences. Finding new shows and following the latest episodes your favorite podcasters share on this platform is as easy as discovering a new band. There are thousands of podcasts to browse through on Spotify, and some of them can only be played through this podcast player, either online or on iPhone or Android devices.

9. Overcast

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Overcast

Overcast was launched just five years ago, but today it is recognized as one of the best podcast player apps for iPhones, iWatches, and iPads. If you are looking for an app that will shorten the silences in podcasts, normalize the volume of the voices or enable you to adjust the playback speed of the audio files, then Overcast is probably one of your best options.

The app also provides CarPlay support and allows you to listen to your favorite podcasts even while you are on the road. However, Overcast contains ads, and you must purchase the Premium version of the app if you want to remove them.

10. Castro

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Castro Podcast Player

Managing large numbers of episodes with Castro won’t take much more than a few moments of your time. Subscribe to a podcast you like, and all of the latest episodes will land in the New tab. You can then decide if you want to add them to the queue and listen to them while you are driving or on your iPhone.

The free version of the app doesn’t allow you to skip intros, enhance voices or reduce silence, and you must purchase Castro Plus to access these options. Before you decide to install Castro or Castro Plus on your device, you must make sure that the app is compatible with the version of iOS you have.

11. Podbean

Price: Free but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Podbean Podcast Player

With the selection of over 50 million episodes, Podbean is easily one of the most versatile podcast player apps on this list. You can search for podcasts based on the topic you are interested in, or browse through different categories, and use the name of the podcast, or the author’s name to find the episode you are looking for.

Podbean is equipped with an audio recorder that features a rich selection of audio effects and a versatile set of audio editing tools. Moreover, the app provides support for live audio streaming so you can create or listen to live broadcast directly from your Smartphone.

12. Laughable

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Laughable Podcast Player

Keeping in touch with the latest trends in the comedy world is going to become easy if you install Laughable on your device. The app hosts the world’s largest database of comedy artist profiles and enables you to discover and follow comedians effortlessly. Each time they release a new episode of their podcast or make a guest appearance, you’ll receive a notification, which enables you to follow their latest work.

Besides an impressive collection of comedy podcasts, Laughable also lets you browse through podcasts featuring celebrities like Jordan Peterson, Barak Obama or Oprah. The app is free for just ten days, afterward, you must upgrade to Laughable Insider if you want to have access to all the shows and episodes this podcast player has to offer.

How to Pick the Right Podcast Player App?

The majority of podcast players offer a similar set of options, which complicates the process of finding an app you can use to listen to podcasts on your Smartphones. The operating system your Smartphone supports or whether the app you’re considering offers podcast streaming options can influence your choice of a podcast player app.

Ultimately, the selection of shows and episodes an app offers, as well as its playback control options can help you determine which podcast player is the best option for you. In case you listen to podcasts on a daily basis, purchasing a monthly or annual subscription is a much better option than listening to podcasts with a free version of the app.

Below is a brief summary of the podcast player app listed above. Hope it can help to find out the best podcast app on your iPhone or Android phone.

Podcast Player User Rating Supported OS Price Best For
Breaker 4.7 iOS 11.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and sharing podcasts
Castbox 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 5.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Himalaya 4.7 iOS 9.1 or later, Android 4.1 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Downcast 4.2 iOS 11.4 or later $2,99, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Stitcher 3.6 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 4.2 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Pocket Cast 3.9 iOS 11.0 or later, Android 5.0 or up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Apple Podcast No information iOS 10.0 or later Free Discovering and listening to podcasts
Spotify 4.8 Web-based, iOS 11.0 or later, varies on device Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Overcast 4.7 iOS 13.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Castro 4.7 iOS 12.2 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Podbean 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Laughable 4.8 iOS 11.4 or later, Android 5.0 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering comedy podcasts


Listening to your favorite podcasts wherever you are, has never been easier, even if you don’t have access to the Internet. Podcast player apps like Spotify or Himalaya grant you access to millions of episodes, but each app we featured in this article can provide a superb experience. Which app are you using to listen to podcasts on your iOS and Android devices? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

It has been a little over fifteen years since Ben Hammersley coined the term podcast. During this time, radio and TV stations, as well as people from all walks of life, have embraced this new medium of spreading information through either audio or video files.

Even though podcasts often have the form of a talk show, the topics podcasters cover in their shows range from presenting the latest music releases to discussing political topics. Listening to a podcast from a Smartphone without a player is not an option, which is why we made a selection of some of the best podcast player apps for iPhone and Android devices.

Best Free Podcast Player Apps for iOS and Android Devices

Nearly all podcast player apps have similar features. You can discover new shows, limit how many episodes can be downloaded to your device or reduce silences to the very minimum.

The list of features a podcast player provides should help you determine if that app is the right choice for you. Here are some of the best free podcast player apps for iOS and Android devices you can find on the market in 2019.

1. Breaker

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Breaker

Discovering new podcasts, connecting with friends who use Breaker or sharing the latest episode of the podcast you’re following on Facebook or Twitter is easy with this podcast player. Moreover, the app lets you see which podcasts your friends like the most so you can send them messages and start conversations about an episode you like.

Breaker enables you to create your own playlists and customize them in any way you want. The Sleep Timer feature can be useful if you’re going to set up the episode playing time before your iPhone goes to the Sleep mode.

2. Castbox

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Castbox

Castbox lets you browse through million podcast episodes and choose from a variety of podcast genres. So, if you would like to follow the latest episodes of music and news related podcasts or talk shows, Castbox may be one of the best options on the market.

This cross-platform app is equipped with the tools that enable you to adjust the audio playback speed, trim silence or customize the sleep timer. You can subscribe to any podcast you discover with Castbox with a single tap, but you must make in-app purchases if you want to access to all features.

3. Himalaya

Price: Free

Compatibility:Android , iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Himalaya

This app for Android and iOS devices lets you listen to radio shows, audiobooks, podcasts and allows you to stream shows from a single app. You can customize your homepage or create as many playlists as you want. Each podcast you discover with Himalaya can be shared with your accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms.

The app grants you access to more than 500, 000 shows that are organized into 30 categories so you can easily choose a topic and search for an episode you’d like to listen to. Himalaya features a sleep timer, which means that you can listen to your favorite podcast before you fall asleep.

4. Downcast

Price: $2,99, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - downcast

This podcast player provides all the features you are going to need for a superb podcasting experience. Subscribing to a new podcast with this app is a straightforward process which can be completed in an instant. You can also choose if you want to download episodes to your device automatically or browse through old episodes of podcasts you subscribed to.

Downcast also lets you adjust the playback speed, and it offers chapter support for enhanced podcasts. Organizing and customizing podcasts with Downcast requires a minimum amount of effort, which makes this app an excellent choice for anyone who listens or watches a large number of podcasts daily.

5. Stitcher

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Stitcher

Politics, sports, or comedy are just a few topics podcasts available on Stitcher cover. You can use the app’s on-demand feature if you want to follow a particular show. Select your favorite genres and tap on the play button to listen to an episode of your choosing.

The app is compatible with more than fifty car models, which enables you to enjoy podcasts while driving. However, the free version of the app offers limited capabilities, and you must upgrade to the premium version if you want to have the full scope of the app’s options.

6. Pocket Casts

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Pocket Casts

The app’s functional design makes it easy to find and manage podcasts by enabling you to create playback queues effortlessly. Trimming silence, skipping intros or streaming episodes without downloading them are just a few among countless options the Pocket Casts app offers.

Moreover, the Car Play feature enables you to play audio and video podcasts wherever you go. You can also download podcasts if you want to listen to them while you are offline.

Besides, you can play all episodes on your TV or your sound system using the Airplay and Chromecast integrations. The only downside is that you have to purchase the annual or monthly plan if you want to use all of the Pocket Casts’ podcasting options.

7. Apple Podcasts

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

This is one of the most popular destinations for all iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch owners who listen to podcasts frequently. Apple Podcasts lets you browse through more than 750.000 shows and 20 million episodes that are organized into categories. You can subscribe to any show you find on Apple Podcasts for free, download episodes you like to your Apple devices and listen to them wherever you go.

The platform’s editor recommends the shows based on your browsing history and helps you discover content that you are going to enjoy watching and listening to. Even so, Apple Podcasts lack the tools that enable its users to control the playback speed, skip intros or set timers before they go to sleep.

8. Spotify

Price: Free

Compatibility: web-based , iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Spotify

People from all over the world have been using Spotify to enjoy music from virtually any genre ever created. This Swedish-American company has been investing a lot into its podcasting services in the last couple of years.

Today Spotify offers access to podcasters to one of the most massive online audiences. Finding new shows and following the latest episodes your favorite podcasters share on this platform is as easy as discovering a new band. There are thousands of podcasts to browse through on Spotify, and some of them can only be played through this podcast player, either online or on iPhone or Android devices.

9. Overcast

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Overcast

Overcast was launched just five years ago, but today it is recognized as one of the best podcast player apps for iPhones, iWatches, and iPads. If you are looking for an app that will shorten the silences in podcasts, normalize the volume of the voices or enable you to adjust the playback speed of the audio files, then Overcast is probably one of your best options.

The app also provides CarPlay support and allows you to listen to your favorite podcasts even while you are on the road. However, Overcast contains ads, and you must purchase the Premium version of the app if you want to remove them.

10. Castro

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS

Best Podcast Player App - Castro Podcast Player

Managing large numbers of episodes with Castro won’t take much more than a few moments of your time. Subscribe to a podcast you like, and all of the latest episodes will land in the New tab. You can then decide if you want to add them to the queue and listen to them while you are driving or on your iPhone.

The free version of the app doesn’t allow you to skip intros, enhance voices or reduce silence, and you must purchase Castro Plus to access these options. Before you decide to install Castro or Castro Plus on your device, you must make sure that the app is compatible with the version of iOS you have.

11. Podbean

Price: Free but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Podbean Podcast Player

With the selection of over 50 million episodes, Podbean is easily one of the most versatile podcast player apps on this list. You can search for podcasts based on the topic you are interested in, or browse through different categories, and use the name of the podcast, or the author’s name to find the episode you are looking for.

Podbean is equipped with an audio recorder that features a rich selection of audio effects and a versatile set of audio editing tools. Moreover, the app provides support for live audio streaming so you can create or listen to live broadcast directly from your Smartphone.

12. Laughable

Price: Free, offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Best Podcast Player App - Laughable Podcast Player

Keeping in touch with the latest trends in the comedy world is going to become easy if you install Laughable on your device. The app hosts the world’s largest database of comedy artist profiles and enables you to discover and follow comedians effortlessly. Each time they release a new episode of their podcast or make a guest appearance, you’ll receive a notification, which enables you to follow their latest work.

Besides an impressive collection of comedy podcasts, Laughable also lets you browse through podcasts featuring celebrities like Jordan Peterson, Barak Obama or Oprah. The app is free for just ten days, afterward, you must upgrade to Laughable Insider if you want to have access to all the shows and episodes this podcast player has to offer.

How to Pick the Right Podcast Player App?

The majority of podcast players offer a similar set of options, which complicates the process of finding an app you can use to listen to podcasts on your Smartphones. The operating system your Smartphone supports or whether the app you’re considering offers podcast streaming options can influence your choice of a podcast player app.

Ultimately, the selection of shows and episodes an app offers, as well as its playback control options can help you determine which podcast player is the best option for you. In case you listen to podcasts on a daily basis, purchasing a monthly or annual subscription is a much better option than listening to podcasts with a free version of the app.

Below is a brief summary of the podcast player app listed above. Hope it can help to find out the best podcast app on your iPhone or Android phone.

Podcast Player User Rating Supported OS Price Best For
Breaker 4.7 iOS 11.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and sharing podcasts
Castbox 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 5.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Himalaya 4.7 iOS 9.1 or later, Android 4.1 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Downcast 4.2 iOS 11.4 or later $2,99, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Stitcher 3.6 iOS 10.0 or later, Android 4.2 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Pocket Cast 3.9 iOS 11.0 or later, Android 5.0 or up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Apple Podcast No information iOS 10.0 or later Free Discovering and listening to podcasts
Spotify 4.8 Web-based, iOS 11.0 or later, varies on device Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Overcast 4.7 iOS 13.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Castro 4.7 iOS 12.2 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Podbean 4.8 iOS 10.0 or later Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering and listening to podcasts
Laughable 4.8 iOS 11.4 or later, Android 5.0 and up Free, offers in-app purchases Discovering comedy podcasts


Listening to your favorite podcasts wherever you are, has never been easier, even if you don’t have access to the Internet. Podcast player apps like Spotify or Himalaya grant you access to millions of episodes, but each app we featured in this article can provide a superb experience. Which app are you using to listen to podcasts on your iOS and Android devices? Leave a comment and let us know.

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Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Streamline Your Audio Archives with These Top 10 Free MP3 Transcription Apps – Integrated with SoundForge CC

10+ FREE Online MP3 to Text Converters

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

An MP3 to text converter helps you change the mp3 file format into a text file. This tool helps transcribe lectures, conferences, interviews, sermons, and even songs. You can find mp3 to text converting tools online for free. They offer the perfect approach to convert mp3 to text without any hassle. Companies, individuals, conference organizers, and agents use such tools to ease their job. Nowadays, there are modern mp3 to text online conversion tools with advanced hi-tech features and functions. The downside to this is that most of these online converters come at a cost. But don’t worry if you want to use a free online MP3 to text converter, we have got you covered. Today we will reveal the 10 best MP3 to text converter tools that are absolutely free to use. So, without further ado let’s get right and!

Part 1: 10+ Free Online MP3 to Text Converters

When it comes to online MP3 to text converter always find one that works efficiently and produces high-quality files. Go for a program that offers accurate and easy to edit text. To help you find a reliable and easy to use free online MP3 to text converter here is a list of the 10+ best free online MP3 to text tools:

2. Veed.io

veed mp3 to text

Veed.io is so much more than simply an MP3 to text converter. You can create all kinds of audio and videos with this versatile tool. It allows you to make Instagram stories and YouTube intros with sound effects and much more. Veed’s auto online transcription tool is free, quick, and easy to use to transcribe the speech from your MP3 to a text file. It is compatible not just with MP3 but also with WAVs, M4As, OGGs, and even video files. Its cloud servers are lightning fast with the file transcribed and ready in seconds. Another exciting feature is that it is able to read and transcribe different languages such as English, French, Chinese, Spanish, and a bunch more. All you have to do is upload the mp3 file and start the conversion process!

3. Happyscribe

happyscribe mp3 to text

This might not be the transcription service you want, but this is what you NEED. The quickest, seamless and most accurate transcription available at your fingertips. You can choose from the 120 languages, dialects and accents from all over the world. Import your file from Google drive, YouTube or Dropbox with no file limit. You can choose between ‘machine generated’ or ‘human made’ transcription with the latter giving you a staggering 99% accuracy as it is proofread by a native speaker for the most authentic results. You can export TXT, DOCX, PDF, HTML, and many more file types with this transcription service, giving you everything you need to make your job easier for you.

4. Amberscript

amberscript mp3 to text

It is a transcription service site based in Amsterdam. It offers 4 basic tools: automatic transcription, manual transcription, automatic subtitles and manual subtitles. The automatic transcription is very quick and efficient but the most accurate and authentic results are achieved by the manual transcription service where a native language speaker is tasked to proofread and edit the transcription. This tool allows you to get an expert-written transcript in just 24 hours. The advanced speech recognition software does all the heavy work in more than 100 languages. Supporting file formats of .docx (Word), .txt, .srt, .json, .vtt or EBU-STL.

5. Vocalmatic

vocalmatic mp3 to text

This is the most convenient MP3 to text online site with specialized transcription service for journalists, podcasts, marketing, and sales. It converts MP3, WMA and WAV formats to text. It is quick, efficient and easy to use with its speech to text AI which converts your audio and video files to text in minutes. It has more than 110 languages to transcribe your text into, making itself as universal as possible while being comprehensible by all. A very unique feature that it has is the online editor mode with playback controls. This text editor is can export to Word and text format.

6. 360 Converter

360 converter mp3

360 Converter is one of the simplest MP3 to text converter present at this moment. It has the most seamless user interface with very simple choice formats. It supports not only local files, but cloud files and internet files as well. It can transcribe mp3 files in more than 12 languages and can download them as plain text file, Microsoft Word Document and PDF format. It has an automatic transcription software that converts your audio or video files to text with great accuracy, making it a must have for your transcription jobs.

7. Quen.io

quen io mp3

Quen is so much more than just an MP3 to text converter. It converts audio and video files to text in just a few minutes, with up to 99% accuracy. It has the option to convert MP3, MP4, WMA, W4A, and MOV formats to text. Its online platform is designed so you can connect your zoom account and automatically import your recorded meetings. You can take notes, upload words docs and PowerPoint files related to your meetings. With Quen you can transcribe in English, Spanish, French, Korean and German. It also has human transcription along with A.I transcription which has 99% accuracy. It is free but also has a premium version.

8. Go-transcribe

gotranscribe mp3

Go-transcribe is, fast, simple and affordable transcription service. It has advanced transcription powered by artificial intelligence to meet all your transcription needs. It converts audio and video files to text files in minutes. Gives the most accurate automated transcription services with added punctuation to improve readability for the customers. It has a very interesting feature to add custom vocabulary to the dictionary to increase speech recognition when transcribing. It transcribes mp3 to text in dozens of languages. It allows you to export in a range of formats including SRT, VTT, Word, and PDF formats making it one of the most versatile in the market.

9. Virtual Speech

virtual speech

Virtual speech is an audio to text converter and is one of the simplest transcription services present to date. It transcribes audio files of MP3, WAV or OGG format into text files of Word, Pdf or plain text format. It is absolutely free for files under 60 seconds and charges a very small fee for files above that duration. After transcription you can open that file on any device. It transcribes in a couple of languages and guarantees privacy of your data as nothing is stored on their servers. The website is also secured by 256-bit SSL encryption.

10. Sonix.ai

sonix ai

Sonix gives you the most cutting-edge automated transcription services. It converts audio and video to text in minutes. With giving automatic subtitling and automatic translation in almost 40+ languages, it is one of the most all-round transcription services. Sonix’s in browser editor allows you to play, edit search and organize your transcriptions and is compatible for any kind of audio or video. Be it films, lectures, interviews or meetings, they have you covered. You can also share and publish your transcripts using Sonix’s media player to drive more customers. It’s compatibility ranges from zoom to Adobe premiere, whatever tools you need to connect to get your work done.


audext mp3 to text

Audext is an app that is made to create and save your time. Using AI algorithms this app provides fast, effective and accurate transcription services to many companies and individuals. It supports a bunch of audio and video file formats such as MP3, M4A, WAV and others to make its reach global. It has in built editor which allows playback speed control, find and replace and many more features to make your transcription experience easier. It also has speaker identification which allows it to identify who is speaking effectively to mark paragraphs and make it more understandable for the customer.

Part 2: Bonus Tip-Add Text to Your Video with Wondershare Filmora

If you want a fast and reliable video editing software you should get Wondershare Filmora. Wondershare Filmora is video editing software that allows you to editt all types of videos. You can use this versatile tool to edit videos for tutorials, podcasts, and more. It comes with a very convenient text and subtitles feature that allows you to add text to your video files. To learn how to add subtitles and text to your videos, checkout this subtitle tutorial of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version


Forget about manually typing and transcribing now. With a help of online MP3 to text converter you can change any audio file into text file. In this article we have listed the 10 best MP3 to text tools you can use for free for all kinds of transcripts. If you want to add text and subtitles to you videos then use Wondershare Filmora. It is free, quick and super easy to use!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

An MP3 to text converter helps you change the mp3 file format into a text file. This tool helps transcribe lectures, conferences, interviews, sermons, and even songs. You can find mp3 to text converting tools online for free. They offer the perfect approach to convert mp3 to text without any hassle. Companies, individuals, conference organizers, and agents use such tools to ease their job. Nowadays, there are modern mp3 to text online conversion tools with advanced hi-tech features and functions. The downside to this is that most of these online converters come at a cost. But don’t worry if you want to use a free online MP3 to text converter, we have got you covered. Today we will reveal the 10 best MP3 to text converter tools that are absolutely free to use. So, without further ado let’s get right and!

Part 1: 10+ Free Online MP3 to Text Converters

When it comes to online MP3 to text converter always find one that works efficiently and produces high-quality files. Go for a program that offers accurate and easy to edit text. To help you find a reliable and easy to use free online MP3 to text converter here is a list of the 10+ best free online MP3 to text tools:

2. Veed.io

veed mp3 to text

Veed.io is so much more than simply an MP3 to text converter. You can create all kinds of audio and videos with this versatile tool. It allows you to make Instagram stories and YouTube intros with sound effects and much more. Veed’s auto online transcription tool is free, quick, and easy to use to transcribe the speech from your MP3 to a text file. It is compatible not just with MP3 but also with WAVs, M4As, OGGs, and even video files. Its cloud servers are lightning fast with the file transcribed and ready in seconds. Another exciting feature is that it is able to read and transcribe different languages such as English, French, Chinese, Spanish, and a bunch more. All you have to do is upload the mp3 file and start the conversion process!

3. Happyscribe

happyscribe mp3 to text

This might not be the transcription service you want, but this is what you NEED. The quickest, seamless and most accurate transcription available at your fingertips. You can choose from the 120 languages, dialects and accents from all over the world. Import your file from Google drive, YouTube or Dropbox with no file limit. You can choose between ‘machine generated’ or ‘human made’ transcription with the latter giving you a staggering 99% accuracy as it is proofread by a native speaker for the most authentic results. You can export TXT, DOCX, PDF, HTML, and many more file types with this transcription service, giving you everything you need to make your job easier for you.

4. Amberscript

amberscript mp3 to text

It is a transcription service site based in Amsterdam. It offers 4 basic tools: automatic transcription, manual transcription, automatic subtitles and manual subtitles. The automatic transcription is very quick and efficient but the most accurate and authentic results are achieved by the manual transcription service where a native language speaker is tasked to proofread and edit the transcription. This tool allows you to get an expert-written transcript in just 24 hours. The advanced speech recognition software does all the heavy work in more than 100 languages. Supporting file formats of .docx (Word), .txt, .srt, .json, .vtt or EBU-STL.

5. Vocalmatic

vocalmatic mp3 to text

This is the most convenient MP3 to text online site with specialized transcription service for journalists, podcasts, marketing, and sales. It converts MP3, WMA and WAV formats to text. It is quick, efficient and easy to use with its speech to text AI which converts your audio and video files to text in minutes. It has more than 110 languages to transcribe your text into, making itself as universal as possible while being comprehensible by all. A very unique feature that it has is the online editor mode with playback controls. This text editor is can export to Word and text format.

6. 360 Converter

360 converter mp3

360 Converter is one of the simplest MP3 to text converter present at this moment. It has the most seamless user interface with very simple choice formats. It supports not only local files, but cloud files and internet files as well. It can transcribe mp3 files in more than 12 languages and can download them as plain text file, Microsoft Word Document and PDF format. It has an automatic transcription software that converts your audio or video files to text with great accuracy, making it a must have for your transcription jobs.

7. Quen.io

quen io mp3

Quen is so much more than just an MP3 to text converter. It converts audio and video files to text in just a few minutes, with up to 99% accuracy. It has the option to convert MP3, MP4, WMA, W4A, and MOV formats to text. Its online platform is designed so you can connect your zoom account and automatically import your recorded meetings. You can take notes, upload words docs and PowerPoint files related to your meetings. With Quen you can transcribe in English, Spanish, French, Korean and German. It also has human transcription along with A.I transcription which has 99% accuracy. It is free but also has a premium version.

8. Go-transcribe

gotranscribe mp3

Go-transcribe is, fast, simple and affordable transcription service. It has advanced transcription powered by artificial intelligence to meet all your transcription needs. It converts audio and video files to text files in minutes. Gives the most accurate automated transcription services with added punctuation to improve readability for the customers. It has a very interesting feature to add custom vocabulary to the dictionary to increase speech recognition when transcribing. It transcribes mp3 to text in dozens of languages. It allows you to export in a range of formats including SRT, VTT, Word, and PDF formats making it one of the most versatile in the market.

9. Virtual Speech

virtual speech

Virtual speech is an audio to text converter and is one of the simplest transcription services present to date. It transcribes audio files of MP3, WAV or OGG format into text files of Word, Pdf or plain text format. It is absolutely free for files under 60 seconds and charges a very small fee for files above that duration. After transcription you can open that file on any device. It transcribes in a couple of languages and guarantees privacy of your data as nothing is stored on their servers. The website is also secured by 256-bit SSL encryption.

10. Sonix.ai

sonix ai

Sonix gives you the most cutting-edge automated transcription services. It converts audio and video to text in minutes. With giving automatic subtitling and automatic translation in almost 40+ languages, it is one of the most all-round transcription services. Sonix’s in browser editor allows you to play, edit search and organize your transcriptions and is compatible for any kind of audio or video. Be it films, lectures, interviews or meetings, they have you covered. You can also share and publish your transcripts using Sonix’s media player to drive more customers. It’s compatibility ranges from zoom to Adobe premiere, whatever tools you need to connect to get your work done.


audext mp3 to text

Audext is an app that is made to create and save your time. Using AI algorithms this app provides fast, effective and accurate transcription services to many companies and individuals. It supports a bunch of audio and video file formats such as MP3, M4A, WAV and others to make its reach global. It has in built editor which allows playback speed control, find and replace and many more features to make your transcription experience easier. It also has speaker identification which allows it to identify who is speaking effectively to mark paragraphs and make it more understandable for the customer.

Part 2: Bonus Tip-Add Text to Your Video with Wondershare Filmora

If you want a fast and reliable video editing software you should get Wondershare Filmora. Wondershare Filmora is video editing software that allows you to editt all types of videos. You can use this versatile tool to edit videos for tutorials, podcasts, and more. It comes with a very convenient text and subtitles feature that allows you to add text to your video files. To learn how to add subtitles and text to your videos, checkout this subtitle tutorial of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version


Forget about manually typing and transcribing now. With a help of online MP3 to text converter you can change any audio file into text file. In this article we have listed the 10 best MP3 to text tools you can use for free for all kinds of transcripts. If you want to add text and subtitles to you videos then use Wondershare Filmora. It is free, quick and super easy to use!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

An MP3 to text converter helps you change the mp3 file format into a text file. This tool helps transcribe lectures, conferences, interviews, sermons, and even songs. You can find mp3 to text converting tools online for free. They offer the perfect approach to convert mp3 to text without any hassle. Companies, individuals, conference organizers, and agents use such tools to ease their job. Nowadays, there are modern mp3 to text online conversion tools with advanced hi-tech features and functions. The downside to this is that most of these online converters come at a cost. But don’t worry if you want to use a free online MP3 to text converter, we have got you covered. Today we will reveal the 10 best MP3 to text converter tools that are absolutely free to use. So, without further ado let’s get right and!

Part 1: 10+ Free Online MP3 to Text Converters

When it comes to online MP3 to text converter always find one that works efficiently and produces high-quality files. Go for a program that offers accurate and easy to edit text. To help you find a reliable and easy to use free online MP3 to text converter here is a list of the 10+ best free online MP3 to text tools:

2. Veed.io

veed mp3 to text

Veed.io is so much more than simply an MP3 to text converter. You can create all kinds of audio and videos with this versatile tool. It allows you to make Instagram stories and YouTube intros with sound effects and much more. Veed’s auto online transcription tool is free, quick, and easy to use to transcribe the speech from your MP3 to a text file. It is compatible not just with MP3 but also with WAVs, M4As, OGGs, and even video files. Its cloud servers are lightning fast with the file transcribed and ready in seconds. Another exciting feature is that it is able to read and transcribe different languages such as English, French, Chinese, Spanish, and a bunch more. All you have to do is upload the mp3 file and start the conversion process!

3. Happyscribe

happyscribe mp3 to text

This might not be the transcription service you want, but this is what you NEED. The quickest, seamless and most accurate transcription available at your fingertips. You can choose from the 120 languages, dialects and accents from all over the world. Import your file from Google drive, YouTube or Dropbox with no file limit. You can choose between ‘machine generated’ or ‘human made’ transcription with the latter giving you a staggering 99% accuracy as it is proofread by a native speaker for the most authentic results. You can export TXT, DOCX, PDF, HTML, and many more file types with this transcription service, giving you everything you need to make your job easier for you.

4. Amberscript

amberscript mp3 to text

It is a transcription service site based in Amsterdam. It offers 4 basic tools: automatic transcription, manual transcription, automatic subtitles and manual subtitles. The automatic transcription is very quick and efficient but the most accurate and authentic results are achieved by the manual transcription service where a native language speaker is tasked to proofread and edit the transcription. This tool allows you to get an expert-written transcript in just 24 hours. The advanced speech recognition software does all the heavy work in more than 100 languages. Supporting file formats of .docx (Word), .txt, .srt, .json, .vtt or EBU-STL.

5. Vocalmatic

vocalmatic mp3 to text

This is the most convenient MP3 to text online site with specialized transcription service for journalists, podcasts, marketing, and sales. It converts MP3, WMA and WAV formats to text. It is quick, efficient and easy to use with its speech to text AI which converts your audio and video files to text in minutes. It has more than 110 languages to transcribe your text into, making itself as universal as possible while being comprehensible by all. A very unique feature that it has is the online editor mode with playback controls. This text editor is can export to Word and text format.

6. 360 Converter

360 converter mp3

360 Converter is one of the simplest MP3 to text converter present at this moment. It has the most seamless user interface with very simple choice formats. It supports not only local files, but cloud files and internet files as well. It can transcribe mp3 files in more than 12 languages and can download them as plain text file, Microsoft Word Document and PDF format. It has an automatic transcription software that converts your audio or video files to text with great accuracy, making it a must have for your transcription jobs.

7. Quen.io

quen io mp3

Quen is so much more than just an MP3 to text converter. It converts audio and video files to text in just a few minutes, with up to 99% accuracy. It has the option to convert MP3, MP4, WMA, W4A, and MOV formats to text. Its online platform is designed so you can connect your zoom account and automatically import your recorded meetings. You can take notes, upload words docs and PowerPoint files related to your meetings. With Quen you can transcribe in English, Spanish, French, Korean and German. It also has human transcription along with A.I transcription which has 99% accuracy. It is free but also has a premium version.

8. Go-transcribe

gotranscribe mp3

Go-transcribe is, fast, simple and affordable transcription service. It has advanced transcription powered by artificial intelligence to meet all your transcription needs. It converts audio and video files to text files in minutes. Gives the most accurate automated transcription services with added punctuation to improve readability for the customers. It has a very interesting feature to add custom vocabulary to the dictionary to increase speech recognition when transcribing. It transcribes mp3 to text in dozens of languages. It allows you to export in a range of formats including SRT, VTT, Word, and PDF formats making it one of the most versatile in the market.

9. Virtual Speech

virtual speech

Virtual speech is an audio to text converter and is one of the simplest transcription services present to date. It transcribes audio files of MP3, WAV or OGG format into text files of Word, Pdf or plain text format. It is absolutely free for files under 60 seconds and charges a very small fee for files above that duration. After transcription you can open that file on any device. It transcribes in a couple of languages and guarantees privacy of your data as nothing is stored on their servers. The website is also secured by 256-bit SSL encryption.

10. Sonix.ai

sonix ai

Sonix gives you the most cutting-edge automated transcription services. It converts audio and video to text in minutes. With giving automatic subtitling and automatic translation in almost 40+ languages, it is one of the most all-round transcription services. Sonix’s in browser editor allows you to play, edit search and organize your transcriptions and is compatible for any kind of audio or video. Be it films, lectures, interviews or meetings, they have you covered. You can also share and publish your transcripts using Sonix’s media player to drive more customers. It’s compatibility ranges from zoom to Adobe premiere, whatever tools you need to connect to get your work done.


audext mp3 to text

Audext is an app that is made to create and save your time. Using AI algorithms this app provides fast, effective and accurate transcription services to many companies and individuals. It supports a bunch of audio and video file formats such as MP3, M4A, WAV and others to make its reach global. It has in built editor which allows playback speed control, find and replace and many more features to make your transcription experience easier. It also has speaker identification which allows it to identify who is speaking effectively to mark paragraphs and make it more understandable for the customer.

Part 2: Bonus Tip-Add Text to Your Video with Wondershare Filmora

If you want a fast and reliable video editing software you should get Wondershare Filmora. Wondershare Filmora is video editing software that allows you to editt all types of videos. You can use this versatile tool to edit videos for tutorials, podcasts, and more. It comes with a very convenient text and subtitles feature that allows you to add text to your video files. To learn how to add subtitles and text to your videos, checkout this subtitle tutorial of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version


Forget about manually typing and transcribing now. With a help of online MP3 to text converter you can change any audio file into text file. In this article we have listed the 10 best MP3 to text tools you can use for free for all kinds of transcripts. If you want to add text and subtitles to you videos then use Wondershare Filmora. It is free, quick and super easy to use!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

An MP3 to text converter helps you change the mp3 file format into a text file. This tool helps transcribe lectures, conferences, interviews, sermons, and even songs. You can find mp3 to text converting tools online for free. They offer the perfect approach to convert mp3 to text without any hassle. Companies, individuals, conference organizers, and agents use such tools to ease their job. Nowadays, there are modern mp3 to text online conversion tools with advanced hi-tech features and functions. The downside to this is that most of these online converters come at a cost. But don’t worry if you want to use a free online MP3 to text converter, we have got you covered. Today we will reveal the 10 best MP3 to text converter tools that are absolutely free to use. So, without further ado let’s get right and!

Part 1: 10+ Free Online MP3 to Text Converters

When it comes to online MP3 to text converter always find one that works efficiently and produces high-quality files. Go for a program that offers accurate and easy to edit text. To help you find a reliable and easy to use free online MP3 to text converter here is a list of the 10+ best free online MP3 to text tools:

2. Veed.io

veed mp3 to text

Veed.io is so much more than simply an MP3 to text converter. You can create all kinds of audio and videos with this versatile tool. It allows you to make Instagram stories and YouTube intros with sound effects and much more. Veed’s auto online transcription tool is free, quick, and easy to use to transcribe the speech from your MP3 to a text file. It is compatible not just with MP3 but also with WAVs, M4As, OGGs, and even video files. Its cloud servers are lightning fast with the file transcribed and ready in seconds. Another exciting feature is that it is able to read and transcribe different languages such as English, French, Chinese, Spanish, and a bunch more. All you have to do is upload the mp3 file and start the conversion process!

3. Happyscribe

happyscribe mp3 to text

This might not be the transcription service you want, but this is what you NEED. The quickest, seamless and most accurate transcription available at your fingertips. You can choose from the 120 languages, dialects and accents from all over the world. Import your file from Google drive, YouTube or Dropbox with no file limit. You can choose between ‘machine generated’ or ‘human made’ transcription with the latter giving you a staggering 99% accuracy as it is proofread by a native speaker for the most authentic results. You can export TXT, DOCX, PDF, HTML, and many more file types with this transcription service, giving you everything you need to make your job easier for you.

4. Amberscript

amberscript mp3 to text

It is a transcription service site based in Amsterdam. It offers 4 basic tools: automatic transcription, manual transcription, automatic subtitles and manual subtitles. The automatic transcription is very quick and efficient but the most accurate and authentic results are achieved by the manual transcription service where a native language speaker is tasked to proofread and edit the transcription. This tool allows you to get an expert-written transcript in just 24 hours. The advanced speech recognition software does all the heavy work in more than 100 languages. Supporting file formats of .docx (Word), .txt, .srt, .json, .vtt or EBU-STL.

5. Vocalmatic

vocalmatic mp3 to text

This is the most convenient MP3 to text online site with specialized transcription service for journalists, podcasts, marketing, and sales. It converts MP3, WMA and WAV formats to text. It is quick, efficient and easy to use with its speech to text AI which converts your audio and video files to text in minutes. It has more than 110 languages to transcribe your text into, making itself as universal as possible while being comprehensible by all. A very unique feature that it has is the online editor mode with playback controls. This text editor is can export to Word and text format.

6. 360 Converter

360 converter mp3

360 Converter is one of the simplest MP3 to text converter present at this moment. It has the most seamless user interface with very simple choice formats. It supports not only local files, but cloud files and internet files as well. It can transcribe mp3 files in more than 12 languages and can download them as plain text file, Microsoft Word Document and PDF format. It has an automatic transcription software that converts your audio or video files to text with great accuracy, making it a must have for your transcription jobs.

7. Quen.io

quen io mp3

Quen is so much more than just an MP3 to text converter. It converts audio and video files to text in just a few minutes, with up to 99% accuracy. It has the option to convert MP3, MP4, WMA, W4A, and MOV formats to text. Its online platform is designed so you can connect your zoom account and automatically import your recorded meetings. You can take notes, upload words docs and PowerPoint files related to your meetings. With Quen you can transcribe in English, Spanish, French, Korean and German. It also has human transcription along with A.I transcription which has 99% accuracy. It is free but also has a premium version.

8. Go-transcribe

gotranscribe mp3

Go-transcribe is, fast, simple and affordable transcription service. It has advanced transcription powered by artificial intelligence to meet all your transcription needs. It converts audio and video files to text files in minutes. Gives the most accurate automated transcription services with added punctuation to improve readability for the customers. It has a very interesting feature to add custom vocabulary to the dictionary to increase speech recognition when transcribing. It transcribes mp3 to text in dozens of languages. It allows you to export in a range of formats including SRT, VTT, Word, and PDF formats making it one of the most versatile in the market.

9. Virtual Speech

virtual speech

Virtual speech is an audio to text converter and is one of the simplest transcription services present to date. It transcribes audio files of MP3, WAV or OGG format into text files of Word, Pdf or plain text format. It is absolutely free for files under 60 seconds and charges a very small fee for files above that duration. After transcription you can open that file on any device. It transcribes in a couple of languages and guarantees privacy of your data as nothing is stored on their servers. The website is also secured by 256-bit SSL encryption.

10. Sonix.ai

sonix ai

Sonix gives you the most cutting-edge automated transcription services. It converts audio and video to text in minutes. With giving automatic subtitling and automatic translation in almost 40+ languages, it is one of the most all-round transcription services. Sonix’s in browser editor allows you to play, edit search and organize your transcriptions and is compatible for any kind of audio or video. Be it films, lectures, interviews or meetings, they have you covered. You can also share and publish your transcripts using Sonix’s media player to drive more customers. It’s compatibility ranges from zoom to Adobe premiere, whatever tools you need to connect to get your work done.


audext mp3 to text

Audext is an app that is made to create and save your time. Using AI algorithms this app provides fast, effective and accurate transcription services to many companies and individuals. It supports a bunch of audio and video file formats such as MP3, M4A, WAV and others to make its reach global. It has in built editor which allows playback speed control, find and replace and many more features to make your transcription experience easier. It also has speaker identification which allows it to identify who is speaking effectively to mark paragraphs and make it more understandable for the customer.

Part 2: Bonus Tip-Add Text to Your Video with Wondershare Filmora

If you want a fast and reliable video editing software you should get Wondershare Filmora. Wondershare Filmora is video editing software that allows you to editt all types of videos. You can use this versatile tool to edit videos for tutorials, podcasts, and more. It comes with a very convenient text and subtitles feature that allows you to add text to your video files. To learn how to add subtitles and text to your videos, checkout this subtitle tutorial of Wondershare Filmora.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version


Forget about manually typing and transcribing now. With a help of online MP3 to text converter you can change any audio file into text file. In this article we have listed the 10 best MP3 to text tools you can use for free for all kinds of transcripts. If you want to add text and subtitles to you videos then use Wondershare Filmora. It is free, quick and super easy to use!

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Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

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  • Author: Kate
  • Created at : 2024-05-05 07:42:12
  • Updated at : 2024-05-06 07:42:12
  • Link: https://audio-editing.techidaily.com/updated-what-is-omegle-is-omegle-safe/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated What Is Omegle, Is Omegle Safe?